As we all know, word of mouth is the best form of advertising and of course, the most cost effective. The following are 5 factors to considers to get more word of mouth referrals for your business:
Communication - contact with your customers must be courteous and knowledgeable which goes without saying but it is important to remember it is also communication with everyone who comes into contact with your business including employees and suppliers. From the receptionist to the owner or manager - outstanding communication is vital within a business.
Consistency - businesses with documented systems and processes are better placed to provide a consistent experience for the customer. Consumers usually have expectations about how they like to be treated by businesses and consistency with their experience is very important.
Client Care - customer’s problems must be addressed and solved with a minimum of effort on the customer’s part and in a timely fashion.
Value - the value of the product or service you provide must meet or exceed your customer’s expectations If you want them to spread the good news about your business. A good maxim for businesses to live by is to under promise and over deliver.
Integrity - trust takes time and is earned continuously but it can be lost in an instant. Mistakes should be ad- mitted and corrected quickly, complaints ad- dressed and solved quickly and show respect to all you come in contact with.